Friday, April 11, 2008

Homelessness Continued

So today I went and listened to Dr. Pete Gathje talk about homelessness in Memphis. He did have a lot of good stuff to say but I feel he was wrong in bashing others. I did not think so much about it while I was in there, maybe because I was still half asleep, but later when I was on my way home I realized how much this man offended me. For one he continued to talk bad about every other organization or people trying to help the homeless, almost like he was a politicitian trying to get everyone to go for him and his organization. I was really caught off guard I guess because I thought he was just talking more on statistics and how his organization was trying to help but he would slip in every once in a while how another group is either not doing anything or so little that it really doesn’t matter. I do not understand why he thinks these groups are so bad. There are groups downtown giving out food and other supplies, maybe not every day, but he said himself that his organization is not open every day either.

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