Monday, January 28, 2008

Early Morning Wake Up Call

This morning I could not sleep. At about 5:30 some dog started barking. It was not like the dog barked at one thing and then stopped either. It continued to bark the whole morning. Every once in a while it would stop and I would think, “Yes, finally that stupid dog will shut up!” But it never was the end. First I tried to ignore the dog, but I couldn’t. If anything, trying to ignore it made me think about it even more. I kept wondering what the owners were doing or if the dog was bothering anyone else. I did not know what I could do to stop it either. Do I go up to the house and tell the owners? First I would have to figure out who the owners were, plus it would cause me to get out of my warm bed. Then I will have to admit, I did think about killing the dog. Don’t freak out though, I would never kill a dog. But the thought did run through my mind after listening to the irritating yelps for half an hour. Since neither of these sounded so great, I decided to live with the noise and try to get some sleep in between each outbreak. I did finally fall asleep around 7 and get about another hour of sleep before getting up for class. I am now hoping it does not happen again because I will have to act if it does.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Why Did I Wait so Long?

I registered for my science class late and did not get my book last week so I went to the Tiger Bookstore today. As you can probably guess, I am such a procrastinator and while sometime I feel I do my best work at the last moment, in this situation my procrastination bit me in the butt. I ordered my lab manual online earlier this week so all I needed was the textbook. The Tiger Bookstore was out, which was a total bummer because I knew they had better prices than the one on campus. Since I knew I had to have the book I went to check the bookstore on campus. I was so excited when I saw they had the book, but that excitement was struck down as fast as I got it when I saw the book was in a package with the lab manual. Not only did it make me mad that they were sold together but also that it was extremely expensive. I decided to wait since I already ordered the lab manual and it was on its way. Hopefully I will be able to find the book soon though. I am hoping I can find a cheap one online.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Maybe These Things are Important...

I have never been into watching the news or reading the newspaper and really did not think I was missing out on anything. My thoughts were, “what does something that is happening across the world have anything to do with me?” You might understand why I would feel that way, but what is really sad is that not only is it world issues that I do not know, but local issues as well. In the past couple of years, I have slowly begun to realize these things might be useful to know. One disadvantage of not knowing what is going on in the world is being out of the loop in conversations. I hate just sitting there while people discuss issues and I have no idea what they are talking about. Even if they talk about something that I am against, I do not feel I can say anything because I really do not know the circumstances. These awkward situations first sparked my interest in learning more than what so and so did the past weekend, but not until recently have I had the urge to really go searching. My humanities/global challenge and English 1020 classes have been making me see the importance of local and global issues. There is a lot going on in the world and most of it does affect me and if not, at least something I believe in or someone I know. I want to understand things for myself so I can form my own opinions and get involved. Also, this knowledge helps me find who I am and what I stand for.

School Assessments

I chose the topic of school assessments for my research paper. President Bush has passed an act called “No Child Left Behind”. This act is supposed to help the students of America have a better education. Test scores for assessment tests are down across the country and “No Child Left Behind” is supposed to help bring those scores up. I feel the act does not work. Schools are only focusing on test scores instead of their students. I am not positive, but I am pretty sure schools are given a certain amount of money due to how well their school overall does on the assessment test. This incentive only draws the teachers away from their students’ needs and to making sure they have their students get a high enough score. This is happens because teachers are then looking at their benefit and what they will lose if their students do not do well enough. Although test scores might be rising due to “No Child Left Behind”, are the students really gaining the knowledge they need?

When I was in elementary and middle school I took the TCAP every year. My teachers would take a week or two before the test to teach only the information on the tests. I would learn the information, take the test, and then forget it all. Not only do I feel the information taught for assessment tests is pointless, I also feel the test is not always a good judgment on a student’s knowledge. I never did well on the TCAP and therefore looked as if I was not a good student. This perception of me would totally change if my report cards were viewed. I was a straight A student for most of my elementary and middle school life, with occasional Bs. Obviously the two did not match up. I do not feel these tests are a good way of assessing today’s students. The government should reexamine the “No Child Left Behind” act and figure out what will really benefit the students.

I plan to be a teacher in the near future and want to start learning now what “No Child Left Behind” is really about so I will know what is expected of me, as a teacher. I want my students to learn things that will actually be useful to them. Students taught only the material on assessment tests are missing out on information that will help them in life. I really hope to understand issues on school assessments in our country and more specifically how it affects schools in Memphis. I have heard they are trying to find a different way on coming about the issue of low test scores and how to help the students of America receive a better education. I want to learn more about the issue now so I can have my own opinion and fight for what I think will be best.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sarah Foster's Manifesto

I was never introduced to the word “manifesto” until now and quite frankly feel this introduction could not have come at a better time. When I was given the assignment, to write a personal manifesto, I began to panic. I had no clue what a manifesto was, but as soon as I found out, I realized writing a manifesto might be kind of fun. This assignment would help me reexamine myself and understand what I stand for. A manifesto, by definition, is “a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives, as one issued by a government, sovereign, or organization”. Every person holds the parts of a manifesto, intentions, opinions, objectives, and motives, very close to their heart. These things are what make up each person and make them the unique individual they are. Lately, I have been thinking in depth about my life and who I am. I feel that in the past couple of years I have been venturing to find the real me and not until recently did I realize exactly how to do that and what I was doing wrong in my quest. I had been trying to do things on my own. I was now old enough, legally, to make my own decisions, apart from mommy and daddy. So, why would I not start experiencing things for myself? Experience I believe to be okay, but thinking I am smarter and do not need help in life is where I went wrong. Everyone needs guidance. My strength and foundation for all I do is found in God. I would not be where I am today or anywhere close to where I want to be in life if it was not for Him. My motive in life is to bring God glory. I know that I am not a perfect person but I also know God is forgiving. He knows sin is inescapable for man alone and therefore has taken the debt of our sins upon His son, Jesus Christ, to save us and give us freedom. Since I know my sin cannot hold me back or give me any excuses, I intend to exceed to my greatest potential in life. I know my happiness is what brings God glory, along with His identity being revealed through me. My ultimate dream in life, which striving for brings me happiness, is to be married and be a stay at home mom. Now I know it would not be right and do not want to achieve my dream without hard work. I am now working toward a smaller dream I have had for my life, to be a teacher, because of the “what you put in is what you receive” kind of attitude I just cannot seem to shake off. I am not throwing my ultimate dream out the window, but yet working hard to assure it will come true, through becoming a teacher. I plan to continue through college and graduate. Then I will begin teaching and saving money for my future. Hopefully, I will be married by this time and both my husband and I will be working to support and begin a family of our own. I already know I will be marrying the man I am now going out with and that he has a secure career that over time will be able to support a family, if our plan is God’s plan. We do not know the set time that everything will take place, but if all goes as planned, my dream of being a stay at home mom will come true. I strongly believe people should work for where they get in life and even though I know I can achieve my ultimate dream, I also do not have total control in the unpredictable. I must therefore work and pray that God will help me to succeed and gain joy in this world. As one can see, I am at the present working towards making my dreams come true. I am also trying to become the woman I know I need to be. I must learn and study the Bible, God’s word, to continue to grow and know what God sees best for my life. I want to be His to use now and forever more. I hope one day through all my hard work and commitment that I will become the godly wife and mother I know God wants me to be.

I know my life is still a work in progress but hopefully I will succeed by having great determination and faith. Hopefully, not only have you learned a little more about me, but also learned a little more about yourself. I challenge you to also look at your own life and find what is most important to you. I believe with all my heart that you as well will be able to learn something about yourself by doing it and if you put forth an effort, you will succeed.