Friday, February 29, 2008

Worn Out!

I hate being late on writing my blogs. I thought I was on top of things but I guess not. I have been thinking about what I would write all week but have not sat down and written them out. I know it is no excuse but my new puppy is wearing me out. He wakes me up every couple of hours all through out the night so I never get a full sleep and then all day I have to play with him. During the day I try to sneak in a nap when he is asleep but I know I have work to do as well. It is hard to juggle all these things. I knew a puppy was work but I guess I just was not aware of everything that went into it. I am still glad we go him though. He is so cute and a lot of fun and he also brings me and my boyfriend even closer. It is great owning him together. My boyfriend does get out of the sleepless nights but he works all day so I can’t complain. My mom has been making fun of me and saying how much I seem like a new mom. She keeps telling me how having a baby will be just like having a puppy except I won’t be able to put him or her in a kennel and leave to go do stuff. I really look forward to having kids and our puppy is helping prepare. I guess by the time I am married and start having kids it will be a lot easier. Ha well, probably not quite but I will know to expect very little sleep!

Research Paper

So I am writing my research paper on school assessments. I am focusing on No Child Left Behind. I know I have not done as much research as I should but I still am not sure exactly how to come at my paper. I know I need to write on how it affects Memphis but all the information I have now is national. I am sure I can find information showing how Memphis schools have been doing before and after the act was put in place but I just need to go looking. I guess seeing the stats and reading what teachers, students, and parents have to say about the differences will be good to talk about but I am not sure if I need more. I guess my overall problem or question I am trying to solve in my paper is if No Child Left Behind is really working and if it needs to continue or be changed. Education is important and we need to make sure that the student’s of the United States are getting a good education. We need to make sure that whatever is in place for how schools work does work. I am happy that the country is trying to find what works and with No Child Left Behind still being so young, this is the time to make changes if needed.

Spring Break

It is finally Spring Break!! I have been looking forward to this break for so long. This semester has been so much harder than my last. My boyfriend has work all next week so we weren’t able to go on vacation but we will have fun anyways. I don’t really care to go anywhere. I am just happy I will be able to sleep in and have some extra time to relax. I do have three papers I have to write during my break so it will not be all relaxation and fun. I am really bummed that I will have work over the break but it should not be too bad if I just go ahead and get them done and over with. I also hoped to get some other stuff done that I never have time to do with school. I still have not fully moved back in my room since I moved back home from the dorms and I would like to paint my room as well. We are about to get new carpets so this is the perfect time to do it. My new puppy, Kelso, will enjoy me being home too. He always has to be left in his kennel while I am at school so he will like the company. I know my break doesn’t sound very exciting but I am just so excited to have a week off from school!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The New Addition to Our Family

My boyfriend and I have been wanting a puppy for a while but did not know if it was the right time. This past Friday we decided to just look around to see if anything caught our eye. We knew we want a bigger dog but still had not narrowed it down by this time. We found a website online for a place that sold puppies but it closed in 2 hours so we decided to go. We rushed over and had time to see all the puppies and play with them. There was one puppy there that stood out. He was a boxer, but was very expensive so we choose to wait and see if we found any for cheaper. Since we saw and fell in love with the boxer we started trying to find just boxers. We called a few people Saturday after we got back from Game Day but all the people we called only had girls and we were looking for a boy. We now at this point were really getting into it and couldn’t wait any longer. Saturday night when we were watching the Memphis game we told my boyfriend’s sister that we were looking at dogs. It ended up that her in-laws’ neighbor was selling boxer pups. Sunday morning she got us the number for the person selling the puppies and we called and made an appointment. The guy had two boys and a girl left. They were all really cute but one seemed just right for us. We ended up getting him and named him Kelso. We are now one happy family! Kelso is a great puppy. He is a little difficult to take care of just because he will wake up in the middle of the night and cry but other than that he has been awesome. He is really playful and loves people. I had him the first night and last night Kelso stayed with his daddy. Right now we are learning a lot. It is defiantly preparing us for the future. I really recommend getting a dog but make sure you have lots of time and attention to give. They are a handful but ultimately they are a joy to have.

Memphis vs. Tennessee

So the BIG game, Memphis vs. Tennessee, is already over. There was such anticipation for this game. All my friends were making plans weeks before, but I was never really sure if I was going or not. I thought it would be fun to go and experience such an important game but I was not sure if I wanted to wake up early. I decided I would leave it up to my boyfriend and in the end we choose to go. Friday night we made plans to get up and leave with his friends around five for the game. I at this time was starting to regret saying I would go. I knew it would be cold and I would not want to get up. I did not want to be a bummer on my boyfriend so I decided just to suck it up. Saturday morning the boys came and started waking us up around 4:30. Both my boyfriend and I were a little relentless to get up but we did it anyways and got ready to go. We all packed up and left and went to McDonalds then headed to the Fed Ex Forum. There was already a line when we got there so we just took our place and began to wait. We had to stand in line for over two and a half hours before getting into Game Day. It was so nice to get inside and thaw out. I was dumb and only wore one pair of socks so my toes were freezing. It was hard to walk down the stairs my body was so cold. So I made it to Game Day, which was pretty much ESPN doing their show with us in the background. The first 30 minutes were fun but then it got kind of old standing up and cheering then sitting down over and over again. My lack of sleep also started to hit me. We went through Game Day then went back outside to wait again for the game. We got our wristband so we were guaranteed a seat at the game but we were almost last in line. We decided to leave since it would be another 4 hours or so and we would not even have good seats. Everyone we went with ended up getting separated from us and got way up ahead in the line. They were all disappointed we didn’t stay but we did not want to skip and be with them or sit in nose bleed. In the end we went home took a nap while everyone else stood in line and then watched the game on TV. I am now glad that we didn’t stay since they lost. I wish they would have won, but I know I would have wished to stay if it was a good game.

Friday, February 22, 2008


I recently have been getting into watching boxing. I never before cared much to see two guys fight in a ring, but my boyfriend is really into it so I have been watching matches with him. We usually go to Gills to watch the matches. They have a bunch of big screen TVs up all around the restaurant, so it is going on everywhere around you. Everyone there is rooting for their person so it is really easy to get into it. I have found that boxing is a lot more than just throwing some punches. The boxers must learn a lot of technique. They must defend themselves and at the same time find just the right time to swing that left hook. It is crazy to see the hits in slow motion. When you are watching them fight some of the blows do not seem that bad, but when they slow it down you can see how harsh it really is. Everything on the guys’ faces will look as though they are dislocated. These guys have to be in awesome shape as well. I could never run around a ring taking punch after punch for as long as they do. They really are a site to see. Although it is fun to watch, just the environment makes it an awesome time. We are going to watch a match this Saturday after the Memphis vs. Tennessee game. Hopefully Memphis and my guy will win! It will be a very long day but I am sure it will be a day I will never forget.

A Problem with No Child Left Behind

I am researching on No Child Left Behind for my research paper. This week’s readings from The Atlantic helped me see a good point about how No Child Left Behind might have a few glitches. In the subtitle, No problem left behind, in the article, First, Kill All the School Boards, the writer, Matt Miller, discussed how usually issues are worked out within the states and it works out well, but when it comes to our schools systems things do not run as smoothly. He pointed out that each state determines the standards and therefore no one can determine how well the students in the United States are doing. There is no comparison because every state is different. One state might consider a certain gain of knowledge as standard while another sees that gain as too high for their students. The country must come together and have one set of standards so everyone will be on the same page. With everyone having the same standards they can see what schools are doing better and which need more help. Although the article I read discussed more of the issues coming forth from No Child Left Behind, I found this information most interesting. Our country is trying to help all the students succeed and be up to standard, but how can they do that if they do not even have a standard. It is not the students’ fault that they are not doing as well or gaining the knowledge they should by a certain age. It is our country’s fault because no one is trying to come together and really figure out a solution. I do think No Child Left Behind is a good start because it is looking at the country to come together on the situation of education but it still needs some help. Hopefully those in charge are aware of the problems and will start now to create a new blueprint for the future of education.

Who is to blame?...Public Schools or Society

“The failure of public schools is not ruining society. The failure of society has ruined the public schools.”

I find this quote to be true to some extent. Society could do so much more to help influence and encourage students. Society is only complaining about the results seen from the students, but are not doing anything to make a change. Society needs to start supporting public schools with more funding and getting involved. The students need to see that someone cares and believes in them.

The public schools are also at fault because they are giving up on students. No matter what, the teachers should try to help every student to succeed. Students need encouragement from the school as well because no one knows what their home life is like. School is a place where children learn and sometimes it is the only place. Sure society might seem so be going downhill, but kids are at school such a high percentage of their time that they need to learn the basics, such as manners, respect, and discipline at school as well. If they learn to show good characteristics at school they are more likely to exemplify them elsewhere as well. These characteristics can help the students become more involved in school and work harder which will help society.

I think both society and the public schools are affecting one another. They both need to care more about the other because public schools help create those in society and those in society are getting the help to succeed from schools. They both need each other to accomplish anything.
Really no matter who ruined who, all can help to make a change.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Continuation of “Constructed Identities”

As I talked about earlier, Americans usually think that nothing could ever happen to us. I used the example of 9/11 which we discussed in my class along with Katrina. Although these things are bad, they help us realize what other countries are going through. I know I am usually thinking about myself and not worried about those in other countries, but when things like 9/11 and Katrina happen it is good to know you have someone there to help you. That is the way Americans should think. Now that we know how it feels to be down and need help we can give that to others.

We also talked about why the terrorist would want to knock down the World Trade Center. The U.S. is known for world trade and its power in trade, so therefore the terrorist wanted to hit us where it hurt. They felt this would show the U.S. that it is not as awesome as it thinks. No one wants to be objectified. Everyone wants to be the one in charge and doing the action. This is one way we explained why the U.S. went to war. The United States caught the hit so now they wanted to be the one doing.

Constructed Identities

In one of my lectures, my professor taught on constructed identities. A constructed identity is created through what people are taught by society and their family. These identities made by people create stereotypes. People turn others into strange people or just different from them. People do this because they do not try to find out what others are really like. We also tend to identify ourselves with what we are not. You will hear people say, “I won’t let ____ happen here”, or “we won’t let ____happen here”. One example of that is how people felt about terrorism. No one in the U.S. thought something like September 11th would happen here. Americans identify themselves as a country where the people don’t have to live in fear because of its power and strength. This is also making an identity for the countries that do have bombing and terrorism constantly going on there. American exceptionalism is the notion that the U.S. is blessed, unique, and has a never-ending wealth. I know I have this mind-set. I do not live in fear of my life, I do not wonder if I will have enough food for tomorrow, and I do not worry about having a job and being able to afford a living. I take all these things for granted, as I am sure most others in America do, and this is what other countries use to create their identity of the U.S. From this lecture, I became more aware of stereotypes and how I can try not to stereotype. I must also take the time to learn about others and research on other countries before I say anything about them.

Friday, February 15, 2008

"Freedom Writers" Review

The movie “Freedom Writers” was directed by Richard Lagravenese and came from the book, “The Freedom Writers Diaries” written by the Freedom Writers with Erin Gruwell. This movie is considered drama in genre. It is about integration in schools. Freedom Writers is based on a true story which comes from student’s diaries. A new enthusiastic teacher is introduced to a school where most the kids do not want to be there and segregation is obvious.

The movie is about how that teacher made a difference in her students’ lives and the way they viewed and treated one another. Although it seemed hopeless for most the teachers at Woodrow Wilson High School to even try to teach their students, Mrs. Gruwell kept a positive attitude and took matters into her own hands. She was told endless amounts of times that it was pointless for her to put so much into her students because the students did not care. In the end Mrs. Gruwell proved everyone wrong and made a big change in what seemed like a war that would never end.

From the beginning gang violence is an obvious problem in the area and at the school. All the students talk about being in a war, which is between every race. They also talk about their problems at home. Mrs. Gruwell is very excited about teaching her new students but quickly becomes upset from the struggles. She has to get the students to work, respect her, and respect each other’s classmates. These struggles only push her harder and make her want to do more for her students. Overtime it is clear that Mrs. Gruwell is getting through to her students. You can see the students begin to get along with one another and make changes in their lives. Most of the changes started when the students were taught about the holocaust. The students could relate to how the Jews were mistreated because of their race. Overtime the kids began opening up in class and becoming one. They felt like their English class was the only place they could feel safe. It was obvious that the author wanted to show that people’s differences can bring them together. All the students were fighting in the “war” for the same reason, to get respect for their race. But none of the gangs wanted to show others respect, so it just went around in circles with no one getting anywhere. These students showed that it is possible to work together and find a purpose in life other than being in a gang. Even though times seemed hopeless for these kids they found comfort in one another because they could relate to one another, but it took them time to realize they had things in common and Mrs. Gruwell helped them realize it.

This movie is based on a true story and comes from a book the real students put together. The book was called “The Freedom Writers’ Diaries” and was made up of the students’ journals. In the end the students sought out to make a change by creating this book and creating an organization. The producers of this movie were also trying to spread these kids’ message by making their book into a movie. The movie helps it all come to life for the viewer which can touch a person more than words sometimes. The movie is also seen all over the country, making the book more known and possibly helping to make change in integration programs.

"Coach Carter" Review

Coach Carter was directed by Thomas Carter and based on the life of Ken Carter. It is considered a drama. The movie, Coach Carter, is about the concept of student athletes and what it means. It is about a basketball team that was not doing well on the court as well as in school. A new coach is hired to help the team start winning, but he has a little more in store for them.

The author’s purpose of the movie is to show that there is more to school sports than just winning and having fun. The movie teaches that one must have the grades and get into college in order to even continue playing basketball, let alone succeed in life. It shows that anyone can get somewhere in life as long as they have discipline and put forth hard work. The school in the movie has low scores and do not have much hope for the students. There is a high dropout rate, meaning not many students make it to college. African Americans, who make up most of the team, statistically are more likely going to jail than to college. In this movie the coach teaches the boys what it means to be a team. In the end they all come together to help one another. This movie is based on a true story and most the boys made it to college, many with scholarships. That shows the world that as long as you push yourself anything is possible.

The writer displays the development of the team clearly. The players are first shown losing a game and arguing with one another on whose fault it was. Then the new coach and his ways are put in place. The guys are shown as very disrespectful to one another and the coach at the first practice. The coach gives each player a contract and very strict rules along with their consequences. The students are shown over time giving more respect to the coach and learning how to use the discipline learned to help them. The team is undefeated throughout the movie, but you can see it getting to their heads. The coach as well notices the kids’ big heads. He finds out the boys are not doing well in school, which was part of their contract, and he teaches them a lesson by canceling practice and games until the boys bring up their grades. He wants the boys to know it is not just about basketball and winning, but also school. He makes it clear that he is coaching student athletes and that student comes first. Many people are opposed but the coach stands firm on his beliefs and word. In the end the basketball players stand by their coach and bring their grades up before they start playing again. The team loses the last championship game, but show they are still proud of their accomplishments.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Get Out the Vote Essay

First off I thought about how I do not know much about politics or the issues dealt with. I wanted to vote last week at the primaries, but did not end up going because of the storm. Now that I think about it me not going was probably best. If I had gone I would have been researching the candidates the day of the vote and therefore not well prepared. Although I feel it is good to vote, since the person in office makes many decisions that affect me, I do not think you should vote if you have no idea who to vote for. My thoughts on the speaker were that it is someone who is in charge of something to do with politics and all they care about is getting more votes. People want more people to vote because they think it will help their candidate. I think more people voting, those who usually do not know anything about the elections, would just mess it all up. You would have those people who are fully for one person or another voting for their candidates then everyone else who was made to vote voting for just anyone. The audience for this phrase is everyone. The speaker does not care who they are talking to, they just want people to go vote. I guess they think it will give their party a better chance of winning. I am not aware of any other phrases that have to do with this, but I am sure there are. People are set on getting people to vote so I am sure they say many things just to appeal to everyone.

In the end this source is arguing for those who choose not to vote. He is also showing a good point that America is a land of the free. If you say everyone has to vote then that is taking away our freedom. I believe everyone has the right to choose if they will vote or not and either decision does not make one less or more an American. Again, I do think it is good to vote so people who will defend your beliefs are in office, but if you do not know anything about the candidates or the issues at hand then your vote will not be much good anyways. I know for me I am just not real into politics and so then I do not try to find out anything. It just bores me because most what they talk about I do not understand. I do not want to vote for someone just because someone else said I should or because their name is most familiar to me. When I vote I want to know the facts on the candidates and the issues they are discussing so I vote for someone that will make a change for the better, at least from my point of view.

I also never would have thought this article was written in 1955. I only think about the recent elections being times when people are pushing the election down your throat. I guess it is just because you see everyone on every street corner and every television station telling you to vote, even celebrities. When I think of past times, I think of people wanting to vote because the right was not always there for them. I am not sure the exact date, I know it is sad, but women, African Americans, and illiterate people were not able to vote for the longest time in America. I really do see the people fifty years ago being happy and proud to vote. I guess they had the same troubles though. Really people do not change that much and many will be too lazy to go out and vote or stay informed on the elections. I think now a day people take voting for granted as well and do not really think much of who is in office because things in America will continue to run smoothly. I think since most of America live pretty nice lifestyles they figure everything else is okay too. People must think of the other people in America that are suffering and need help. We might not feel we need the government’s help but there are people that do. The government also is in charge of military and other things that keep our whole country safe and secure. Those in office also help make sure things are run the way the people feel it needs to be run. They oversee many aspects of people’s lives that we would never imagine. Even though they do help Americans, our government also deals with other countries and without someone in charge to take care of these things America would be nothing.

I am defiantly on the side of the writer. He helped make the situation on voting very clear. I knew what he was talking about when he used the different people for different examples and I think it would be clear to anyone else. He hit every point on how voting and not voting would affect the way elections are run. Really it might not hurt to have people voting that do not know anything about it, but like he said, not voting is just as much a right as voting.

A Whole New World

In one of my classes we watched a movie on brothers who went to Africa from Europe to look for gold. Once in Africa the brothers met many natives. They got a group of natives together at the beginning to help them navigate and learn the land. The natives did not know what to think of the brothers, for they were like nothing they had seen before. The brothers were seen as spirits of the dead relatives to most of the Africans. They did not understand why they were white or any of the advances they had. It was really neat to see how awestruck the people in Africa were. They really were amazed at the things the brothers brought with them. While there the brothers traded with the natives. They would trade guns and such for sugarcane and other crops from the area. Neither group knew each other’s language and therefore had to communicate through signs and motions. I really liked watching how the two groups interacted. Today most everyone on the world knows the others exist. It would have been like aliens coming to earth. I really liked hearing the Africans talk about what they were thinking at the time the brothers had come. Most of their theories were pretty crazy, but I guess I would probably think like them if another kind came to the earth and I thought we were the only living things. For the natives they thought there was nothing else but their land and what they knew. All in all I felt the brothers’ trip was a good experience for both the brothers and the native Africans. I went to Honduras and Nicaragua for mission trips in the past and although these trips were not close to the brothers’ trip, it still had a similar effect. The people there knew of America and other countries but when we came with our cameras and such everyone was very interested in them because many of them had never seen one before. I also learned a lot from their culture. For one thing their houses are a lot different and they do not have plumbing. Now this was in the poorer regions that I went to so I am not sure about other areas, but it was neat to see someone else’s way of living. I gained a lot from it, one thing being to not take things for granted. So my trips along with the movie have showed me how different people can be but also how neat it can be to share each others’ cultures with one another.


Internalization is a process by which we take ideas in that seem to be fact. These ideas are formed unconsciously. I usually do not think about why I believe what I believe, but during my UNHP lecture I started to think about it. Most my beliefs come from the way I grew up. I grew up in a Christian family with three siblings and both of my parents. I try to live my life with good morals and standards. Those morals and standards go along with what I am taught in the Bible and have been taught from my parents. I have also learned through experience, where I came up with my own thoughts and beliefs.

My Professor also talked about what Benedict Anderson said on nations. He said nations are acts of the imagination. The boundaries are made up and it is thought of as comradeship. He as well said people are willing to die for an abstraction. I thought this was well put. I have never thought about nations from that perspective. How does anyone decide what land is whose and how the land becomes someone’s? Every nation’s people are different and part of that nation. How can people who live right next to one another consider themselves different? Who came up with the distinct boundaries that no one can physically see? People fight their neighbors just because they are on the other side of an imaginary line. Once one thinks about it, the concept seems crazy. It is sad that we all are continuously pulled into internalization. Just because we are from one place or another we have set ideas and stereotypes. I know this will not change but it is very interesting to think about.

Friday, February 8, 2008

NCLB Propaganda

Yesterday we were to bring in some propaganda on our research topics. I am researching “No Child Left Behind” and the issues that have come up since it has been put in place. I looked up “NCLB propaganda” on Google. There I found mostly propaganda against “No Child Left Behind”. Most of them were cartoons and you would have to see them to understand them, but for the most part they depicted students being stranded. Unless my perception is wrong, I understand the cartoons to mean that NCLB is not working. When I first began researching on my topic it seemed a lot easier to find people who were for “No Child Left Behind”, so I do not understand why there was more propaganda against it. I guess I am not looking hard enough. Every time I learn something new about the issue, it brings up something else I do not understand. This we also discussed in class and I have found it to be very true. I am used to just stating the facts that are seen on the surface but never really going into depth on issues that come up through my research. This will be a struggle for me and therefore I know I need to get started ahead of time.

Japanese Imperialism

This week in my UNHP Humanities class we have been learning about Japanese imperialism. One definition of imperialism is “the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas.” While trying to take over other Asian countries, the Japanese performed inhumane acts. Many of the things Japan did during the time are still unresolved today. A few of the issues we discussed were comfort women, Rape of Nanking, and textbook controversies.

During World War II Japanese soldiers would capture and rape many women. These women are referred to as “comfort women” or “sex slaves”. The women who survived these awful acts were often looked down upon. On top of the shame they feel from the label others have put on them, these women have been traumatized and have to live with the memories of what was done to them. The worse thing about all this is that the Japanese are denying that any of it happened. Other countries along with the abused women want Japan to take responsibility for their wrong doings and apologize.

The Rape of Nanking, also known as “Nanking Massacre”, occurred in 1937. Japan invaded China and killed 200,000 people. During the invasion 10s of thousands of women and children were also raped. Still today the Japanese are not admitting to this tremendous act of violence.

The Japanese are also teaching their students that these and the many other events that happened did not occur. Anything that is talked about in books is always downplayed to make the Japanese appear less bad to their people. This is causing great controversy because they are teaching false information in their schools.

Many countries try to expand an imperialize, but Japan misued their power. I think it is very sad that these events occurred in history. There was no reason for Japan to kill and mistreat these other countries' people. I do not understand why it continued to happen for so long, but it was good they were finally stopped before others were hurt as well.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Writing Prompt

“Before you contradict an old man, my fair friend, you should endeavor to understand him.”
~George Santayana

I have in the past struggled with being very hard headed when it comes to issues I oppose, but recently I have learned to think before I speak. My boyfriend is the one who helped me realize I was doing this. He is always thinking and looking at situations from different points of views. He has taught me that I need to know exactly how I feel on a situation or issue and have something to back those feelings up before I try to defend it. I have begun to realize that most the time I have an opinion on issues but do not really know why I feel the way I do. I now make sure I do not strike out in defense before I know my facts are right. I also try to see a situation from others point of views. I have to remember some people act and stand for things different from me because they have other circumstances in which create their views. When it comes to political views I am not real sure. I do not know the issues or their background so it is hard for me to say I have an opinion. I also feel I would need to do a lot of research to know exactly how a politician stands on the issues. I know they usually say things but I think most the time it is just what they think the people want to hear. I do not feel comfortable arguing politics. I know these things are important because the issues affect me in some way, but I will need to learn a lot more to really have a stance on things.

Crazy Weather

Yesterday I got a text from the University. It said that school would be closing at 2:30, too bad I was in my last class. I walked to my boyfriend’s house after class as usual. All day my head had been hurting but once I finally sat down I really felt it. I am pretty sure it had something to do with this crazy weather, cold one day and warm the next. Well I decided I would take a nap and see if it would help me feel any better. So I laid down and started to doze off, but right before I could fall asleep I heard some weird noise and a man’s voice over a loud speaker. At first I thought I might just be dreaming but I awoke and went into the living room. His roommates were in there and assured me it was only to say that school was closed. I really don’t understand why they use such an eerie sound. It makes the situation seem so much worse than it really is. Since it wasn’t a tornado warning I decided to go back to sleep. The boys said they would wake me up if the weather got bad. So I took my nap and it made me feel a lot better. I would have been able to enjoy that feeling of reenergizing if only the tornado sirens were not going off when I woke up. I wandered around the house only to find no one, so I called my mom. I could not believe the guys left me asleep during a tornado warning. As my mom was explaining the situation one of the roommates emerged from his room. I was glad to know I would have one person to ride the storm out with. We watched the news and discussed our plans for if a tornado really touched down until my boyfriend got home from work. My boyfriend was not scared at all and said a friend of theirs was on the front porch reading a book. We had no clue he was there and it was funny to know he was outside chillin while we were inside trying to figure out what to do next. We decided to go see what was up with their friend on the porch. We all ended up staying out there watching the storm. It was really cool actually. The blinding streaks of lightening were awesome to watch, only because they were in the distance. Usually I would be scared during a time like this, but I guess with the company of the guys I felt pretty safe. I do not recommend staying outside during a tornado warning, if a tornado had touched down we would have been gone, but it really was neat to watch all that happened.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Bowl

Although I am not real into watching sports on TV, it is a great excuse to get together with friends and family and eat great food. Last night I went to my boyfriend’s parent’s house to watch the Super Bowl. His whole family was there which meant it was pretty much a party, considering he has 8 brothers and sisters. Seven of them were there last night, the older ones with their boyfriends, wife, and husband. With so many people in the family, his mom is used to cooking for a lot of people. She is a great southern cook. There were chicken wings, chili, chips and all kinds of dips, carrot cake, and lots more. We all ate and talked all night while watching the game. I was never into the game until the end though. My boyfriend and I moved into the living room to watch how it would go down on the big screen. The Patriots were again ahead with only a few minutes left on the clock. Like I said I am not a die-hard sports fan, so I did not care exactly who won, but I decided to root for the Giants. All of a sudden Eli Manning made the craziest play, I’m sure you all remember it. Then he threw a touchdown pass. The Giants were now ahead. I actually got really excited at this time, as did the whole room. You could tell the Giants were pumped after this awesome play. They had great defense and fought hard until the end. As everyone I’m sure knows, the Giants won! Altogether the night was really good. The team I was rooting for won and I got to spend time with great people.

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Beauty of Memphis

In one of the Memphis blogs there was a link to a blog with pictures from around Memphis. After reading the blogger’s great reviews, I had to check them out. The pictures were awesome. I know Memphis has some neat attractions, but these pictures made everything seem breathe taking. The pictures consisted of the Hernando Desoto Bridge, Main Street trolley, the Civil Rights Museum, the St. Jude Children’s Hospital Dome, the “Summer” statue in front of the Brooks Museum of Art, Overton Park in morning mist, the Zoo, the arched walkway at Christian Brothers University, the Sear’s Building, Glenview park, the old Lamar Theatre, the First Baptist Church Chelsea, Tops Bar-B-Q, the Botanic Gardens, Stax Museum Marquee, and others. My favorite picture was of Overton Park. It was taken in black and white which gave the picture a great touch. The picture makes me want to visit the park because it appears so peaceful. I also liked the picture of the trolley. The picture was taken in black and white but the trolley was in color. The picture is very creative and neat to look at. Not only were the pictures wonderful, but also the photographer made a good point. I loved how the photographer made a comment about how Memphis seems to be a bad place with all the crime that is heard about but how a camera creates a totally different view. Memphis is an interesting and historical place. I would love to see more of the attractions.

What To Do With The Pyramid?

Memphis is still trying to decide what to do with the Pyramid downtown. One blogger said it looked like Bass Pro Shop will be moving in the Pyramid. If this is so I will not be too happy. I do not understand what Memphis will get out of having a huge Bass Pro Shop. It might attract some tourists but only those into hunting, fishing, or anything else to do with the outdoors. I think many people are like me in that we like the outdoors and might visit the shop once or twice if that, but really we would get no joy out of having one here. There is a Bass Pro shop in Memphis and I don’t understand why they would want another one, especially downtown. I see Bass Pro Shop as somewhere you go every once in a while to get supplies for an outdoor activity, not somewhere that people will want to go back multiple times.

Even though it might not be the best option, I still think having a theme park would be way better than a Bass Pro Shop. Many people would go to a theme park, even tourists. I feel Memphis would make a lot more money from a theme park and local Memphians will be able to have something different to enjoy.

University of Memphis' Renovations

I read a blog that was talking about the demolition on the Prescott Memorial Baptist Church. After returning from the winter break I noticed the church was torn down, but did not think much about it until now. I knew the University was expanding and renovating surrounding areas but only thought of it as a good thing. I feel the area could use some upgrades and thought this was just a start to a new and improved beginning that will come. After reading the blog I found out the church had been there for 75 years and meant a great deal to many Memphians. It is sad that something that has existed for so long has been destroyed but I feel it will be for the better. We have to get rid of old things sometimes to make room for the new. If the University sticks to their plans, I think that area will be very nice and more attractive. I was so excited to hear about the renovations Memphis plans to do in the near future and still cannot wait to see how it all turns out. I only wish all the buildings being torn down were rundown and meant nothing. It is hard to see something that has been a part of a place for so long become destroyed.

The Presidential Elections

I have read several blogs talking about the upcoming presidential elections. Everyone seems to have very strong opinions about those running and the issues at hand. After reading these blogs, I have realized I need to get started on deciding who I want to vote for. Last night my dad asked if I had participated in early voting. I had no clue it was even going on. This is a big election with many important issues. I want to know the issues and how each candidate feels about those issues so I can make the right vote. I want to make sure my vote stands for who I am and what I believe in. I want someone to be in office that will make a difference and be a voice for my opinions. I am not exactly sure what I think about the war. I do not like that we have many Americans dying, but I feel we cannot leave now. We must finish what we started. I know President Bush has been fighting to make sure abortion is not legalized. I want to make sure the next president also is against abortion. That is one topic I am very passionate about. It makes me sick to think people are okay with killing little innocent babies. Why are so many people upset and fighting for the innocent lives being taken in the war but could care less about those millions of innocent babies being killed here in the United States. I know I am still behind on most the hot topics for the presidential election, but I plan to start looking more into them soon and hopefully I will make the right decision at the polls.