Monday, March 31, 2008


I went to and a picture of three of the cutest baby boys caught my attention. I started to read the article that went along with the picture and soon found out these three gorgeous babies have autism. Autism is a neurological disorder that affects children’s social abilities. They often disengage themselves with others and almost act as though they live in another world. There are other milder cases, some that just cause the kids to have trouble making eye contacting and talking to others. It is so hard to believe that such normal looking babies could have such an extreme disorder. In the article over in over you read that doctors know very little about autism. No one has been able to find what causes autism or what can be done to cure it. There are some therapies that can help but it is best to start them when the child is young. Most times doctors do not diagnose children with autism until they are older because the disorder is not well known and this means the child does not start getting help until they are older. The triplets in the CNN article started showing signs at 18 months but were not diagnosed until they were 4. My cousin was diagnosed with a mild form of autism just a few years ago. We knew he was different growing up but never thought he had some kind of disorder. Now looking back we can see how a lot of what we thought was weird was just his autism. I hope doctors can find out more on autism because I know it is very hard on the families and it affects these children’s lives tremendously.

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