Friday, March 28, 2008

Christine Kenneally, Josh Prager, and Stacy Sullivan

Last night I went to hear Christine Kenneally, Josh Prager, and Stacy Sullivan read some of their pieces of work. They all are in journalism but write about completely different topics. Kenneally’s piece was about the evolution of language and how animals are very similar to people when it comes to communication. It was really neat to hear about how animals have different calls for different predators but I was confused about what she was getting at on the evolution of language. I am guessing she was talking about the many languages spoken throughout the world and how they came into existence and how it was spread. Next Josh Prager spook about and read excerpts from his book about the Giants winning the National League pennant in 1951. I found him to be the most interesting because he took something that sparked an interest to him and went so deep into find out more. He had heard that there was a rumor going around that the Giants cheated causing them to win the pennant. No one would come out and say it at first but Prager was persistent and finally was able to interview many of the Giant players. The interviews from the baseball players directly involved gave great credibility and more personal effect to his book. I cannot believe the Giants actually stole the Dodgers’ signs and watched their practices. It really makes you question a lot of things that go on in the world. Stacy Sullivan spoke last and she read from her book on the war in Kosovo. I liked hearing about all the involvement people here in the US had in helping the guerillas in Kosovo. I had no idea all of this was going on. It was really neat hearing Sullivan talk about being right in the action. She really experienced everything she reported on and it gave her book great credibility. Overall the whole night was good. It is good to experience other peoples’ worlds and here people speak on how they interpret the things they experience through words.

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