Friday, April 11, 2008

Homelessness Again

It also upsets me that he would put a picture of Bellevue Baptist Church up beside the Fed Ex Forum and compare them by saying look at these buildings that had so much money put into but can’t give to the homeless. I do not know much about the Fed Ex Forum and Memphis’ spending but to back up Bellevue I do know that there are thousands of members so we need to be big to have enough seats and rooms to have worship and Sunday school class. Bellevue has been very blessed in the donations and money coming in and I think it is great that it was able to be built so nicely because it is a place to worship God. Bellevue also does a lot in the community. Right now Bellevue is reaching out to Memphis through “Bellevue Loves Memphis” which is a bunch of different opportunities for the members and others to help out in many different areas. People help tutor, work at soup kitchens, or do other things to help those less fortunate. It was wrong of Gathje to talk so negative about others. He should be happy that anything is being done to help. It is the small stuff that adds up in the end.

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